Have you ever tried to define your sense of style but couldn't wuite put a word to it. I was having the same problem the other day. I was on the phone with my best friend and I was telling her that people like to classify my style as afrocentric and nothing is wrong with that I just wouldn't define myself as that.
One thing I love about my style is that I very versitile. I range from being clean simple and girly to chic edgy and afrocentric. I'm all over the spectrum when it comes to fashion. One thing that is consistent for me is that i enjoy rocking a natural looking hairstyle wether that is crochet braids, marley twists, braids or my natural hair I love the way it looks on me and it really express who I am.
AFROnista | A combination of being afrocentric while still being a chic and classy fashionista/ naturalista.

When you all your friends are all AFROnistas you can't be stoppoed!
It's not a new term but I think it's something that a lot of people can relate to. Sometimes it can be hard to figure what to classify your sense of style. What I learned from my best friend is that you can define yourself however you want. It's your style and you have the freedom to be whoever you want.