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KC Living | 1 Month Update

September 17th marked 1 month of living in Kansas City, Missouri. Boy has it been a roller coaster of a ride. I'm not going to lie when I first found out I was moving here I was beyond excited because I thought if would be similar to going away to college, but boy was I wrong. At this point in time I may not be the best person to ask about living in Kansas City because I'm really not liking it. It's like I absolutely hate it but it's definitely different than what I'm used to. I live in the city and so finding a super walmart is like 20-30 min drive. That may not sound like a horribly long drive but when you're from St. Louis and everything seems to be down the street driving 20 minutes just to pick something from Walmart seems like such an inconvenience.

Don't get me wrong I'm enjoying my new job. The students I get to work with are amazing and the work is very fulfilling. I can tell that me being here and being able to relate to them on a more personal level helps motivate them a lot. I never thought that I'd be in a position helping kids make their first major lie decision.

But as far as moving to KC is has not been the easiest transition for me. I'm extremely home sick all I ever think about is going to Columbia or St. Louis to be around people that I know but I cant do that every weekend because who is paying for the gas? I'm trying to stay positive and find the silver lining in this move but it's been hard. Hopefully my next update will be better and I can tell you some things that I did. But for today Kansas City was NOT the move for me.

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