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KC, MO | 5 Month Update

Man oh man! I can't not believe that it has already been 5 months since I've moved to Kansas City. It's been 8 months since I graduated from Mizzou. I feel old. Where did the time go? I was just reminiscing on my initial thoughts of moving and how excited I was compared to how I felt when I actually moved. But 5 months later I'm feeling a lot more comfortable and in my element. I actually say I'm going home when I have to return back to Kansas City. I even say that I miss my bed, which really means I'm getting used to living here.

I love doing self reflections to evaluate my progress and what has happened that got me to this point and I think the biggest thing was just to stop having expectations of Kansas City. I thought it was going to be this magical place that was going to sweep me off my feet. At the same time I wasn't even making an effort to be a part of the city. One of my 2017 intentions was to enjoy life more and with that I have been making strides to get out and do something new. Already this year I have been to a couple of different restaurants, I've watched a friend perform at a poetry slam, and I've done a legitimate photoshoot with a photographer,I've met up with the KC naturals group.. Though these activities I'm learning about myself and what I like to do. I don't want to hold myself back because I'm scared of doing things by myself.

An awesome little diner in Kansas City.

My favorite part about being a new adult in Kansas City is my apartment. I love how it has turned out, and I really need to do a apartment tour one of these days. It is definitely me. I weirdly became obsessed with pillows at one point but now that I like how my couch looks I'm going to cool it with buying pillows. Craigslist is my best friend and the majority of my furniture came from there since I'm not rich enough to buy brand new furniture. (One Day!!!) The down side of living by myself is that I get really lonely at times. Personally i don't really like being alone. I've learned that I'm more social than I thought I was. I love having people to talk to but I also get annoyed when they are around for too long. I'm trying to find a balance where I'm not doing random things to get attention.

The top shelf of my bookcase in my apartment.

Work is going well. I'm still loving the kids and my step team girls. They are seriously the reason I go to work every single day. I'm a 2 job shawty and it has been quite the adjustment. I feel like I have no free time because I'm always working. I haven't really been able to even watch tv shows. By the time I get home it's time to go to bed. Cooking has become tough because if I don't do it on the weekend there is no time during the week. It's all about balance.

I'm starting to enjoy Kansas City a little bit more. I can't wait for it to get a warmer so that I can really enjoy the festivals and events that they put on.

If you haven't yet follow ENHANCE The Individual on Instagram!!!

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