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Moving to a new city: Tips to moving to your first city as Adult

If you have been following my blog or social media you know that after I graduated from college in Columbia, MO I was relocated to Kansas City, MO. Crazy enough to think that my 2 year anniversary is coming up in 2 months! ( I should really think about celebrating...???) Any when I first moved here I did a mini series for my move to KC. If you read any of those post you'll know that I was absolutely miserable here. I was super lonely, and I didn't have any friends. I was figuring out how to live alone, which is still a struggle. I remember that I promised myself that I was going to leave after my 2 years here and low an behold I was completely wrong.

Fun fact: I got into graduate school here in Kansas City so it looks like I'll be here till 2020!

2 Years later I'm still in Kansas City and I can say that I'm starting to enjoy it. Seriously, one day I was just going about my day and it kind of hit that I like this place. It can be very serene and scenic. It can have lots of hustle and bustle. It just seemed like the perfect pace of life. ( I remember it was spring time and the weather was perfect so I was probably in a good mood and life was going in the right direction.) Anyway, looking back that transition to Kansas City was really tough. I'm glad I made it 2 years and I'm staying another 2. Now that I looking back I was able to compile a list of tips to the people moving to a new city.

* It's one hell of ride!

I think for the most part many of us are eager to move to a new city. For a lot of us if we didn't have that eagerness we would be horrified to me. It's not easy thinking that you moving somewhere new. Somewhere where you might not know people. Somewhere where family is further away. And moving to new environment where the people can be super strange.

When I first moved to KC, I knew of people. They weren't exactly my friends but I knew they lived in the city. Just knowing that helped with the feeling of be lonely. Even if I didn't hang out with them I found myself reaching to meet up. Because why not?

* Reach out to people that you kind of know. Great way to make more friends.

Friend from college who lived in Kansa City!

I'm a pretty outgoing person and I wanted to be involved with the city. I like events and festivals and just new things in general. I started reaching popular things to do in the city. I googled things that I'm interested in to see of they had events for that. I went to Eventbrite to check events that were happening soon. If you're into concert that's a great schedule to look at. Then I used maps to see how far neighboring cities were. I was amazed at the amount it would take to get somewhere from KC. New cities to visit. In order to meet more people, I download the app called Meet Up. It's a app for people trying to find people with similar interests. You join groups with activities that you're interested in. Most groups set up activities so everyone can meet up!! I joined a Natural Hair group and did meet some people, that I still talk to today!

* Consistently put yourself out there. Find things you like to do.

I mentioned that I had to adjust to living alone. Yeah this was the first time I was living by myself and at first I was really excited. No more roommates for me!! ( FREEDOM) Well that excitement went a way really fast. Everyday, I came home to no one. I came home to silence. During the week it was alright. Most times I only had a few more hours before I was going to sleep so I didn't feel too alone. The weekends were not the greatest. I started having a routine where I went to the city market. because I could stayed home all day and just been sad. I started calling my family and friends a lit more. But there were nights that I was miserable be alone. It's still not my favorite thing at times but I really do love living alone. It gives you the space to be in your element without disturbances or getting distracted. You control everything and that's a nice feeling.

*Embrace all the emotions of truly living alone

Don't write off the city that you moved to. I used blatantly say that I hated living in Kansas City. I was to the point where I was going to move back to St. Louis. But I know KC is where I needed to be. It is giving me the right pace of life. I'm meeting a plethora if people who are interested in what I'm interested. I'm discovering new gems all the time. Still don't really know how to get through the city without my gps but I'm getting there. Take this move as a time to really find yourself and adapt to being a adult.

Peace and Love: Make sure you check out my new Podcast | ENHANCE The Podcast.

You can find it on SoundCloud and iTunes.


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